Today Lily and I went out to Kaka'ako to take some photos for my blog. Our shoot was complete with awkward poses, costume changes, laughter, irritation (we would have preferred to switch roles-- I like to be behind the camera, and Lily's a natural in front of it) & of course props. Some of our props included the plethora of books I've acquired during my road trip research and the planning journal I use to take notes on it all...
After our photo shoot, we got lunch at Lanikai Juice, crashed a wedding at Kahala Beach, and then went to see One Direction in 3D at Koko Marina with Kaili and Hoku. (The movie was fantastic ;) and I always love being out in Hawaii Kai). After the movie I took Lily to the grocery store and then dropped her back off at the dorms.
On my drive back to Ewa Beach, I remember thinking that I wish cars had two types of horns. One that made a nice little "beep" to say things like, "Hey dude, I'm not sure if you noticed but the light turned green." Or, "Um your blinker has been on for like five minutes; you should probably turn that off." And then the other horn could say "HONK!" Meaning, "DUDE, you almost just effing killed me!" Or, "Stay in your own lane, drunk ass!"
Well for some reason, this thought process next found me singing Limbeck's song "Honk & Wave" in my head. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other, except for the obvious "honk," but Limbeck was one of my favorite bands back in High School so naturally I turned off my radio and started belting out "Honk & Wave" and then "In Ohio On Some Steps" at the top of my lungs. I smiled to myself seeing as Ohio is my SSS (State Study Sunday) for this week. :) & Limbeck is some seriously good driving (or road trip!) music.
When I got home I ate some dinner, uploaded my road trip photos onto Natasha's computer, and then went to collect my notes for tonight's "Ohio" blog. Here's where it gets good: Remember how I said Lily and I were using some of my books and my journal as props today? Well... WE FREAKING LEFT THEM THERE. On some steps (in Ohiooooo. Except not.) Hahaha oh the irony. It's really not funny though. :( Along with my journal we left a few good books. One of which was a super old awesome-looking, (and delicious-smelling) hardcover book I got from my mom's best friend's uncle who passed away. ...And a library book. Shit.
I'm going to drive back to Kaka'ako tomorrow morning and hopefully I'll find them still there, just chillin' on the steps. :-/ So I know this is another failed attempt at a SSS post, but I hope you'll understand & forgive me. (And pray that my journal & especially my books are still there tomorrow!)
Gah! Hope someone found them and is in the process of tracking you down! PS Come visit me in Ohio.