The following entry was written on 11/14/13.
I'm sitting on the bed in my room with the fan on, my favorite quilt covering my legs, Rocco sleeping under the covers with his head resting on my shin, a cup of coffee on the headboard behind me, a small dish of almonds sitting on the pillow next to me, and Alexi Murdoch playing from my Bon Iver Pandora station in the background. & Today I'm overcome with this deep feeling of gratitude. And sadness. And excitement. And simple nostalgia. But mostly G R A D I T U D E. I am SO overcome with gratitude.
The amount of people & things & experiences I have to be thankful for is overwhelming. I am SO blessed it makes me what to cry a river of joyful, gracious tears. And maybe that's just what I'll have to do, because this feeling has rocked me to my core and I can't even begin to explain how lucky I feel; in every aspect of my life I feel lucky.
That's not all to say that my life is perfect. It's not. It's far from perfect actually. Nor is this the happiest I've been, because that's not true either. In fact, the past several months have been hard for me emotionally. I've struggled with friendships, plans for my future, family stuff, health problems, and other very personal issues. But I am A L I V E. I am living and breathing and experiencing life.
Have you ever heard of The Secret? My family and I have been exploring the idea of it more often lately, and The Secret is essentially that. ^^ To have a constant attitude of gratitude. To be thankful and grateful for everything that you already have while hoping (& ASKING) for what you want. To consciously be putting positivity out into the Universe, because positive attracts more positive. (& the same is true of negativity.) The secret to a happy life is being grateful for everything that you already have, asking for what you want, believing that you will get it, receiving it, and then being grateful all over again. We have the power to give ourselves a happy life. We just have to believe that we can have what we want, ALL we want, and we will be blessed.
I want to road trip across the United States of America. I want to have the time of my life exploring my country & experiencing everything this great nation has to offer.
...And you better believe I WILL. Because I do. ;)
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