Monday, December 29, 2014

Glittering Eyes

"And above all,
watch with glittering eyes
the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets
are always hidden
in the most unlikely places.

Those who don't believe in magic
will never find it."

--Roald Dahl

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Scared shitless & having the time of my life.

Scared shitless & having the time of my life.

Maybe that should be the title of the book I write when this adventure has come to an end.  Or maybe not.  Or maybe it won't end.  Or maybe I won't write a book.  Either way, that's the truth: I'm scared shitless and having the time of my life.

I'm not always scared shitless.  And I'm not always having the time of my life.  This past month or so has been a good mixture of both learning to face fears I never knew I had, and experiencing things that most people only dream about.

The truth is, sometimes I wonder what the hell I was thinking when I decided to go on this journey. Other times, I can't believe how lucky I am to be where I am.  Have I mentioned that I'm fickle?  I think you all knew that.  Nobody has ever said "actually..." as many times in their whole lifetime as I've said it in my 26 years.  So I like to change my mind.  Often. Constantly.  However, no matter how many times I find myself wondering, "What was I thinking!?" ...When it's cold, and I'm alone, and I'm sleeping in my van in some random parking lot (yes, this happens more often than you'd think), my mind has been made up about one thing, for certain:  This is exactly where I'm supposed to be.  This is exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. This is my LIFE.  

Yes, I realize that was more that one thing.  Because just as often as I wonder what the hell I was thinking, I wonder how I got so lucky.  When I'm collecting gorgeous rocks from Glacier National Park (shoot, that's not illegal, right?), dancing with the wedding party at a local bar in Woodstock with my best friend, enjoying mimosas on the porch of a B&B on Martha's Vineyard with my soulmate, or happening upon hidden treasures in the most unexpected places, I can't help but think to myself, "How is this real life!? How did I get so lucky!?"  I don't have the answers (which is probably why I keep asking the same questions), but I do know one thing:  Although I'm often scared shitless, I'm also having the time of my life.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Bus Stuff.

Did you know that the Indian Trails buses out of the UP (Upper Peninsula) have wifi? AND outlets in front of every seat? Neither did I!  I was very pleasantly surprised.  In fact, the Indian Trails buses were the nicest ones I rode during my two-day trip to Montana.  And all that leg room! I wish I would have known how cramped & crowded my last two buses were going to be so I would have appreciated my space more while I had it.

I learned a lot about bus travel along the way.  And I learned a lot about myself, too.  Or maybe I just learned about how other people view me.  Either way,  I seemed to learn quite a bit...

Tips for a better bus-traveling experience:
(Feel free to skip this section if you aren't planning on traveling by bus anytime soon.) ;)
--First, if you wanna get things done fast & efficiently without the whole ripping-your-hair-out, gritting-your-teeth, pissing-and-moaning because that stupid automated lady on the other end of the line keeps repeating herself and then asking you to repeat yourself because she "didn't quite get that," do yourself a favor, and just take your lazy ass down to the nearest bus station (or have Grama drive you) & do it all in person.  Seriously.  I tried to do things online, and that experience was horrible.  And then I tried calling, and that was even worse. And then my mother (have I mentioned how SMART that lady is? We should really listen to our mothers more) suggested I just go to the bus station and have them help me figure out the best route, how much it was going to cost, and what to do about my extra baggage.  And when I did, it was a breeze.  So easy! And no hair-pulling, teeth-grinding, or cussing required.  Amen, alleluia.
--I mentioned baggage.  I had to have two bags because one had all of my clothes, toiletries, books etc. in it & the other one is my breather.  (I hear they're working on a more portable therapy vest for active people with CF.  Thank God, because that thing isn't exactly easy to travel with considering it weighs about 40lbs and is anything but "light-weight.") Anyway, I had two bags plus my carry-on and with the cost of your bus ticket you get one carry-on and one piece of luggage 50lbs or less that rides underneath.  Explain your situation, and you just might get to take your carry-on AND your breather on the bus with you.  I said "medical equipment" and the (super-nice) bus driver (in fact, all of my bus drivers were VERY amicable) said "Oh, we'll just call that your carry-on." & when I explained to him that I already had a carry-on, he said "We'll call that one your 'purse' and the medical equipment your carry-on." Mind you, that thing is no carry-on sized piece of equipment; he said it like he was winking at me.  Just be honest & pleasant and people will be more likely to happily assist you.
--Sit in the emergency exit row.  Just like an airplane, you will have way more leg room.
--The buses (only God knows why) are usually uncomfortably cold.  I was wearing pants, socks, shoes, a long-sleeved shirt, a zip-up hoodie, a jacket & a scarf, and I was still cold. So unless you want to freeze, I suggest you dress warm.  And I highly recommend wearing a scarf as well.  One of the large ones that can double as a blanket like mine did numerous times throughout my ride(s).
--If you can, SLEEP.  Especially if you're traveling at night; it makes the time go much faster.
--When you travel far distances, chances are you will have a layover or two.  Take advantage of them! See the sites! Or at least walk to the coffee shop & used bookstore down the street for a bagel & "hot scotch" (hot chocolate with butterscotch; it was SO yummy!) But don't be late getting back to the station for your connection.  Give yourself at least a half-hour before boarding time.
--If you're bored, talk to people. Say hi.  Don't be dumb and give out too much information about yourself, but say hello, tell them your name, strike up a conversation.  Having bus-buddies is fun! Trust me, I made quite a few.

Here's where my self-discoveries started.  More often than not, the first question I got asked after stating that I'm 26  was, "Are you married?" Followed by, "Do you have children." To which I always replied  no, I am not & I do not.   This, apparently, is flabbergasting.  People just don't understand.  Sherry, my grandparents' friend who suffered a brain aneurism years ago & has short-term memory loss, asks the same questions repeatedly (every ten minutes & all day long!) & one of her favorites is, "Are you a married lady, Addie Behm?"  And  when I tell her I am not, and in fact don't even have a boyfriend, she always says with a huge smile on her face, without fail, "Well what's the matter with you, Addie Behm!?" This is exactly what those confused looks on my bus-buddies faces are asking, without saying the words.

I don't ever explain myself too much, because what is there to say to these people? I'm just not (married). I just don't (have kids).  Maybe this realization is less about me, and more about other people.  People today think someone like me, at my age, should be married with children. Those are both beautiful things, and maybe they'll happen for me someday when the time is right, but for now I just want to drive.

A realization that actually is about me:  I look like a super trustworthy, amazing advice-giving, super secret-keeping priest of sorts.  I must, because people feel the need to open up to me, ask me for advice, tell me their secrets, and confess their sins to me.  I learned more about JoAnne & her job as a demolition lady, her brother who wants her to come visit him in Montana but will be mad that he has to pay for their vacation to Canada, and her daughter who gave JoAnne five grandchildren (all boys) than I asked to learn, but I don't mind, of course. It's kind of flattering that people feel comfortable opening up to me.  I don't know what to tell Frank about his sister's random phone call (she usually only calls on his birthday) or how to best sympathize with him over his friend drinking again (although I have no idea why he called him his "friend." Friends don't cause one another to hide in dumpsters to avoid a beating from said "friend")   But I listen, and nod my head, and say a word or two now and then, and that's enough for people. And it's enough for me, too. :)

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Michigan. Or Montana...? It starts with M.

You know that feeling you get after something you've dreamed about for so long has finally come & gone?  A vacation, for example... Or a party or a holiday or even a wedding. You spent time with your friends and family, you enjoyed some good food and had a few drinks, you laughed until you cried, you took some silly photos, you made some memories that will last you a lifetime.  You had FUN, and you might even be a little bit sad that it's over, but you're ready to go back to your real life.  You know it, right? That feeling?

That's how I feel about starting my road trip. Not that I'm ready to go back to my real life, but that my road trip IS my real life-- my real dream life. And I'm ready to just get back to it!

Turns out life isn't always as easy as that, and I'm going to have to wait a little while longer for the dream to start. I'm SO close... My head's already on the pillow & my eyes are squeezed shut.  I'm just waiting for sleep to take me. Or rather, the Greyhound to take me to Montana...

Ever since the beginning of my road trip planning process, I've always said that I'll start in Michigan on Monday, September 1st, 2014.  Instead, I'll be taking a bus to Bozeman, Montana on Thursday the 4th, arriving in the afternoon on the 5th, and meeting up with my dad (who's flying in from LA) to retrieve my road trip vehicle. LONG story short, I'm getting an awesome Ford E-150 van that's been converted into a camper by a company located in Montana.

My dad, being the softie that he is (aka best dad in the world), asked if he could travel with me for the first week or so just to make sure I'm comfortable (with the vehicle, with traveling, with life on the road..?) I think he's just nervous for me & my safety and wants to see for himself that I'll be okay. :)

So instead of the 1st, my journey begins on the 5th.  And instead of starting in Michigan, I'm starting in Montana.  And instead of being alone, I'll be with my dad. (He's going to do Montana and North Dakota with me, and then I'm going to drop him off at the airport in Minneapolis, Minnesota on the 11th so he can fly home.)

There are bound to be unexpected bumps and turns along the way over the next several months, so I guess now is as good a time as any to start learning how to hold on or swerve.

Friday, May 2, 2014

a Lust for the New

...a good part of all longing to travel consists in a yearning for people one has never seen, a lust for the new-- to look into strange eyes, strange faces, to rejoice in unknown human types and manners.

Thomas Mann

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Crazy, happy life.

Disclaimer: This post reads like a high schooler's journal entry. It is long, and boring, and serves no real purpose except to document my week in order for me to remember its greatness in the future.

It's Sunday!  I'm off! What a blessing. :) My work schedule has been different the past few months, so  when I saw that I got Sunday/Saturday off this week I was stoked.  So for this week I really only have  one day off  'cause I worked the night desk shift last night and I work again tomorrow morning.  But I work Monday-Friday with Saturday off, and if schedules continue in the same manner (hopefully!) then I'll have Sunday off too. A real weekend! Woohoo! :)

Anyway, I had this whole fun, eventful day planned (drive to town & pick up Lily, 8:30 service at New Hope, 10 o'clock service at Calvary, lunch, beach & then Lori's Twilight party at her place tonight...), and I even got as far as eating breakfast, showering & getting dressed for church when I finally decided I needed to just take the day off.  Actually, I decided to take a page out of Kiele's book and go to "Life Church" like she sometimes attends "Life School."  (Sash & CB occasionally let her skip school for the day and they go on their own adventures to learn about life.  Which, in my opinion, can be even better and more beneficial than real school anyway.)

So I made a new Chris Tomlin station on Pandora & with good intentions I dumped my clean laundry out on my bed to be hung up and put away.  Instead though, I pushed the clothes to one side, got back in bed, and spent the morning looking through my Fortune Lake albums on Facebook.  Very productive.

Sometimes a crazy-eventful week warrants a lazy Sunday, right?  What I wanted to do was take a nap, but that just wasn't in the cards for me. (Is it ever!?).  And although I hate allowing myself to be completely lazy (I feel like it's a waste of a day!), sometimes I really need it. Today is just one of those days (except I'm still planning on going to Lori's tonight), and if simply being tired and lazy after an amazingly fun week is all it costs me, then that seems like a fair trade to me!

My last days on this island are fast approaching and naturally I'm trying to do as much as I can before I fly away.  Hence the super busy, amazingly fun week.  It went a little something like this:

Sunday:  Easter!  We always go to the 6am sunrise service at Calvary by the Sea on Easter Sunday, and this year was no exception.  However the weather didn't feel like cooperating, so instead of our usual outdoor service on the lawn overlooking the ocean, we settled for watching the waves though the big glass windows while sitting in the pews.  (I know, rough life.) There was no pretty sunrise due to the rain clouds, but rough water is just as fun to watch. :) After church we went to Auntie's and pigged out on a SCRUMPTIOUS Easter Brunch. Sooo delicious! Then me, Lily, and Kai went to the 11 o'clock service at New Hope.  I love that place. :)  Later we went back to Auntie's to dye eggs and eat some more.  Always a good time over there with family & plenty of laughter and good food! After I dropped Lily off at the dorms, I went to the beach for a little and then relaxed at home for the remainder of the night.

Monday:  On Monday, Naomi and I were both off so we took Sharnel's daughter Melissa out for a Girls Day.  We had so much fun! We had lunch at Chili's, saw Rio 2 in 3D, went to get our nails done, and then went shopping (for food! Haha). Before they dropped me off, Melissa and Naomi came inside to play with Rocco for a little bit and Melissa was trying to get him to do tricks. She is adorable and I think we all really enjoyed our day together.  :)

Tuesday:  I worked Tuesday morning and then Cyril, Naomi and I had a date night at Outback.  Those two are so special to me; I love our times together. :)  Cyril had to leave after dinner, and Naomi and I decided to go see "Heaven is For Real."  I read and LOVED the book so I was really excited to see it, and I think they did a good job.  It was different than the book (the movies always are), but it was fun to watch.

Wednesday:  On Wednesday I worked the morning shift and then Ashley and I took Baby Leilah to the beach!  Oh my goodness that little girl is the cutest, chubbiest baby you ever did see.  She is so precious and I think she enjoyed getting sandy and splashing around in the water.  I know Ash and I had fun watching and playing with her! :) On my way home I stopped at the beach by my house to watch the sunset and do some shell collecting.

Thursday:  I was off on Thursday and it was a perfect day!  I was lucky enough to spend the entire morning with my auntie & uncle-- just the three of us! I felt like a child getting a special day with them.  :) We hiked up to the Makapu'u Lighthouse & then down to the beach at Alan Davis to swim.  It was a beautiful day! Then we took Uncle home so he could rest, and Auntie & I went out for burgers at The Counter. I spent some time at the Hawaii Kai Library that afternoon, and then it was time to meet up with Kai, Hoku, Lily, Kiele & Alyssa for the Florida Georgia Line concert at the Blaisdell. They are incredible live & it was such an awesome concert! (Kiele & Hoku's first one!). We went out for a late night snack at Like Like Drive-In afterward (yum!) & then I spent the night at the Taniguchi's.

Friday:  On Friday, I met up with a bunch of my friends at Kakaako for our very own "Flashback Friday." We all brought some of our favorite foods from childhood (lunchables, fruit snacks, Pringles, goldfish, Kool Aid, pudding cups, jello, etc.) and spent the morning/afternoon eating, flying kites, blowing bubbles, cardboard sledding, shooting each other with water guns, and just having fun pretending to be kids.  It was FANTASTIC.  Then Naomi and I had to leave to head to work.

Saturday:  On Saturday I went on a breakfast date with one of my favorite people, my coworker TJ.  We had our very own Spring themed "Caricature" Breakfast.  I love that woman! I hope to be like her when I grow up.  :) Breakfast was yummy, company was great; it was the perfect way to start my day before working that afternoon.

I loved this week. I love being busy. (As long as it's because I'm doing fun things.) ;)

*Also, I did end up going to Lori's on Sunday night & it was a BLAST! I LOVE MY COWORKERS! :D

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Since I began the process of road trip planning, I've fallen in love with reading (for the millionth time, probably) all over again.  My family reads.  When we were kids, my siblings and I would look forward to stopping by Barnes & Noble with dad before or after our movie at The Promenade to read a quick chapter or check out the latest Archie comic book.  I never used to read as much as my siblings in the beginning though.  I was a little behind in starting the Harry Potter series, and I didn't actually develop a love for books until I began those.  I was more of a read-Calvin&Hobbes-while-eating-cereal reader than a read-a-book-for-the-love-of-reading reader.  And then I fell in love with books & never looked back.  Now I love to read everything, and my road trip research has allowed me to enjoy this hobby even more recently.

If you follow my blog, then you've probably noticed that it's been a few months since my last post.  It's not because I forgot about my blog or because I was lazy.  It's because I was feeling uninspired.  I have several entries saved as drafts (as per usual & this will probably never not be true), as I have continued to research and take notes, but I was feeling like posting on my blog was a chore instead of something I enjoyed.

I want this entire road trip process, from planning to execution to recalling epic stories after the fact, to be something I enjoy. POSITIVE.  In recent weeks, writing wasn't something I found pleasure in.  But reading was and continues to be something I find most enjoyable.  So I will continue to read, and in doing so, research.  And I will share my findings, and my thoughts & my hopes for my trip.  But I will not allow sharing to become a chore.  I do want to keep myself accountable, and I think this blog will help me do so, but I will only reach for a pen & paper (or a keyboard) when I feel compelled, inspired to do so.  Not because it is something I feel I have a responsibility to do.  :)

SSS: New Jersey

New Jersey tends to have a bad reputation because of how it's portrayed in movies and on television, and the state's infamous tolls don't really help their case either.  But as someone who always tries to see the good, I'm hoping to find some hidden charm in this "Garden State" (and I have no doubt that I will!)

After some research, things I might want to see/do/eat:
-Palisades Interstate Park (riverside hiking trails & shoreline)
-Jersey Shore
-Prudential Center aka "The Rock" in Newark
-Ironbound (Portuguese-Spanish neighborhood)
-Hoboken, Frank Sinatra's hometown (see an alternative-rock show at Maxwell's)
-Atlantic City
-Eat some salt-water taffy at Atlantic City's boardwalk (where the treat was invented in the late 1800s)
-Enjoy some blueberries (the first in the US were farmed in New Jersey)
-Asbury Park & rock bar Stone Pony
-Canoe the Delaware Water Gap on the New Jersey/Pennsylvania border
-Wetlands in south New Jersey
-Revolutionary War monuments
-The Pine Barrens region

I can't wait to drive along New Jersey's advent of highways while listening to Springsteen's "Born to Run!" :)

Visit NJ

Attitude of G R A T I T U D E

The following entry was written on 11/14/13.

I'm sitting on the bed in my room with the fan on, my favorite quilt covering my legs, Rocco sleeping under the covers with his head resting on my shin, a cup of coffee on the headboard behind me, a small dish of almonds sitting on the pillow next to me, and Alexi Murdoch playing from my Bon Iver Pandora station in the background.  & Today I'm overcome with this deep feeling of gratitude. And sadness. And excitement. And simple nostalgia.  But mostly G R A D I T U D E. I am SO overcome with gratitude.

The amount of people & things & experiences I have to be thankful for is overwhelming. I am SO blessed it makes me what to cry a river of joyful, gracious tears.  And maybe that's just what I'll have to do, because this feeling has rocked me to my core and I can't even begin to explain how lucky I feel; in every aspect of my life I feel lucky.

That's not all to say that my life is perfect. It's not. It's far from perfect actually.  Nor is this the happiest I've been, because that's not true either.  In fact, the past several months have been hard for me emotionally.  I've struggled with friendships, plans for my future, family stuff, health problems, and other very personal issues.  But I am A L I V E.  I am living and breathing and experiencing life.


Have you ever heard of The Secret? My family and I have been exploring the idea of it more often lately, and The Secret is essentially that. ^^ To have a constant attitude of gratitude.  To be thankful and grateful for everything that you already have while hoping (& ASKING) for what you want. To consciously be putting positivity out into the Universe, because positive attracts more positive. (& the same is true of negativity.) The secret to a happy life is being grateful for everything that you already have, asking for what you want, believing that you will get it, receiving it,  and then being grateful all over again.  We have the power to give ourselves a happy life.  We just have to believe that we can have what we want, ALL we want, and we will be blessed.

I want to road trip across the United States of America.  I want to have the time of my life exploring my country & experiencing everything this great nation has to offer.

...And you better believe I WILL.  Because I do. ;)